Get access to benefits and exceptional deals

At Arp-Hansen Hotel Group, we offer you 2 different ways to obtain discounts and great benefits:

  1. Become a reward guest and earn points on your hotel stays. At the same time, you will gain access to exceptional member deals through our newsletters.
  2. Subscribe to our regular newsletter and gain access to special deals on hotel stays.

Join the STAY&SAVE Reward Programme

As a member of our STAY&SAVE Reward Programme, you will have access to a wide range of benefits. We guarantee that you will not find a better price elsewhere online.

You earn points for your accommodations that you can use for free nights. As a member, you will have exclusive access to deals on hotel stays that are not available elsewhere. It is free to be a reward guest.

Read more about all your benefits as a STAY&SAVE reward guest

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Subscribe to our newsletter

If you want access to our exclusive special deals without being a reward guest, you can easily subscribe to our newsletter here.

Get access to sublime accommodation deals directly in your inbox

By signing up, you consent to receiving marketing emails from Arp-Hansen Hotel Group A/S. What we send you includes: great offers, competitions, information about stays, events, and activities near our hotels and hostels. Additionally, you consent to us registering your click and search behaviour for the purpose of sending tailored marketing, and to our processing of your name and email address for the purpose of sending you the marketing material. Please note that it is only possible to receive our newsletter in Danish.

Save up to 15% on stays as a STAY&SAVE member. Learn more about all the benefits